Dark Impact DF-03: Bad Habit or Sentimental Sap?

This is the drive train to the DF-03. I cracked the case jumping a snow bank. Since I have the back end out out I may as well rebuild the differential. I call this a mechanical hug.

This pic makes me sad.  This is my Tamiya DF-03 Dark Impact buggy.  Generally, when the rear end is detached from the rest of the body, that is not good.   In fact, some might say it is a real pain in the butt. Okay, the squirrel is past my screen, and my junior high moment has passed.

Back on point….  This buggy, like most things in our lives, has a story attached to it.  Please join me as we walk down memory lane.

1) My mom-in-law was re-diagnosed with terminal cancer over a decade ago.  My wife went back to spend a couple of months with her mom to care for her during some intense treatments.  My wife took our daughter with her to spend time with grandma.  I was bored.  I came home to a very quiet house at night and needed a positive distraction.  So,  I bought this RC car at Hobby Town.  It solved a problem: loneliness and boredom in a quiet house after the day settled down.  This is definitely a plus for the hobby.

2) I wanted to race cars, but a limited budget makes that a challenge.  Welcome to rebranded Buggy 2.0. I wore out the original buggy, rebuilt it, and then built it to race against other RC cars.   Welcome to a new season for this buggy, a redeemed purpose, or a rebranding with a new graphite chassis from RC Mart (The test of a true Tamiya nerd is if you know about RC Mart), upgraded the motor to a brushless Losi Xcelorin motor (Still have it, obsolete, but might drop it in my rally car when the Tamiya can gives out), and the Yeah Racing shocks with anodized aluminum upgrades which I ordered through Hobby Town.  I am not sure if the shock upgrades are necessary, but they are cheaper than the Tamiya TRF upgrades, and anodized aluminum just looks cool.  The graphite chassis and the anodized aluminum make this buggy almost a work of art!

3) Fast forward a few more years. My kids are growing up.  I bought them decent hobby grade cars off eBay that needed some repair and love.  We got them going.  We had the pride of getting them to work again, and then had a blast breaking….er…driving RC cars, jumping them, and crashing them, and rebuilding them.  Overall, we made some good memories together.

See, this buggy is not so easy to throw away?  Yes, many newer ones today are better than this old DF-03.  I think of the Tamiya TT02B is a great bang for the buck, Losi has some fun buggies for the cost of a kid’slawn mowing money, or you can spend crazy money on a Team Associated. So, there are many other options to replace this buggy, but I want this buggy.

So, why am I clinging to this old car that could be easily discarded?  On the one hand, this could be a sentimental tribute to a toy that has outlived its cycle of life.  Maybe Woody from Toy Story got to me.  That is possible I always admired how Woody could rally the troops and unify the group.  Avoid the squirrels…. Back on point….. The reality is that this buggy recalls for me many different seasons in life.  This is the beauty of a brand manifested in a hobby.  A brand in its best form is more than an object or a thing.  A brand ideally tugs at the heart.  A brand that is worthy keeping is that lends itself to redemption it and repurpose like this buggy. I would argue that we are created to restore, rejuvenate, and recreate.

So, what am I doing with this car with the cracked rear? (I am still fighting the inner Junior Higher….)  My plan now is to build this car as a tribute to the Batmobile.  I am sure I will still drive it from time to time, but mostly it will sit on the shelf inviting me to reminisce and walk through the different seasons of life that this buggy represents.

So, go and find your hobby.  Maybe you too will walk into a hobby store and buy some silly RC car to pass the time only to realize that it means more than just a toy or a positive distraction.  It represents different seasons of life. It also makes one appreciate redemption in Christ because he redeems the unworthy to be repurposed for him.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!  Until we meet again may the Lord’s blessing and peace be upon you!


Nitro Slash: Hopefully a Winner


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